Apex Romania
High school students will partner with missionaries from the ReachGlobal Bucharest City Team through VBS ministries.

Apex Minneapolis
High school students will learn about the experiences of church planting and minister alongside Hope Community Church as they reach out to their community.

Apex Chicago
High School students will learn from and serve with the South Asian Friendship Center. Students on this trip will learn about world religions and how to live as salt and light around people of different faiths.

Apex Santo Domingo
High school students will work with young adults teaching English as a second language, building relationships and introducing them to Jesus.

Apex Miami
High school students will work with children and do community evangelism in partnership with True Vine Christian Church (EFCA) and Kidz XL.

Apex Laredo
High school students will work with children and serve the community in collaboration with Grace Bible Church (EFCA).

Apex Kansas City
High school students will work with children and serve the community around Bridge of Hope Community Church in Kansas City.